Origin: USA

Germfree is the world-leading manufacturer of high-containment systems, including Class III Biological Safety Cabinets, glove boxes, fume hoods, isolators, radiopharmacy cabinets and laminar flow equipment. They also offer a unique range of mobile, transportable, or modular high-containment labs, integrated into vehicles for mobile/remote deployment, or prefabricated/containerised for rapid deployment.

8 + 5 =

Cleanroom and Laboratory Equipment

100% Stainless Steel Casework

TH Tissue Homogeniser

Custom Biosafety Cabinet Class 3

Class III Biosafety Cabinet

μHb Micro Homogeniser

Laminar Aiflow Units

Tissue Master Homogeniser

Stainless Steel Laboratory Furniture

Tissue Master Homogeniser

Powder Weigh Hoods

Tissue Master Homogeniser

Portable Glove Box

Tissue Master Homogeniser

Vertical Laminar Flow Hood

Tissue Master Homogeniser

Pharmaceutical Isolators & RABS

Tissue Master Homogeniser

Class 2 BSC Type A2

Tissue Master Homogeniser

Class 2 BSC Type B2

Tissue Master Homogeniser

Cleanroom Pass Through Box

Modular Laboratories

Modular Cleanroom

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ULT freezers just got personal: Small capacity, small footprint, small price. Nordic Lab offers a full range of low-capacity ULT, -65°C and -45°C freezers. Small enough to sit directly in your lab or under your bench.



Curiosis develops, produces, and supplies laboratory equipment for improving the efficiency of cell-based research processes. The Curiosis Celloger® Pro is a cutting-edge live cell imaging system that revolutionises research capabilities.



ULT freezers just got personal: Small capacity, small footprint, small price. Nordic Lab offers a full range of low-capacity ULT, -65OC and -45OC freezers. Small enough to sit directly in your lab or under your bench.