Svenema make pharmaceutical-grade lifters for cleanroom applications. Lifters for crates, boxes, rolls, drums etc with weight ranges from 40 to 300Kg. All are full high-grade stainless-steel and custom made to suit all requirements.
ULT freezers just got personal: Small capacity, small footprint, small price. Nordic Lab offers a full range of low-capacity ULT, -65°C and -45°C freezers. Small enough to sit directly in your lab or under your bench.
Curiosis develops, produces, and supplies laboratory equipment for improving the efficiency of cell-based research processes. The Curiosis Celloger® Pro is a cutting-edge live cell imaging system that revolutionises research capabilities.
ULT freezers just got personal: Small capacity, small footprint, small price. Nordic Lab offers a full range of low-capacity ULT, -65OC and -45OC freezers. Small enough to sit directly in your lab or under your bench.