Using the Bead Ruptor Elite with omni’s novel direct-to-pcr methodology for Coronavirus Detection

The Omni team has developed a novel direct-to-PCR workflow for coronavirus detection off nasopharyngeal swab samples. Based around efficient and effective viral lysis using the Bead Ruptor Elite, the user can homogenize 24 samples in only 30 seconds and place that lysate directly into an RT-qPCR reaction for virus detection.

This brings with it numerous key benefits including:

  • Eliminates traditional nucleic acid extraction step
  • Saves valuable time and money
  • Improved sensitivity (> 96%) and 100% specificity when compared to traditional workflows

Novel Direct-to-PCR methodology for COVID-19 Detection

Using human coronavirus 229E as the model system, this workflow was tested and optimized for laboratory implementation. See Omni’s recent publication in the Virology Journal outlining this process on in vitro testing.

Following the HCoV-229E testing, this methodology was validated using COVID-19 patient samples. You can see the data and workflow from Omni’s COVID-19 testing in this Pre-Print server manuscript.

The Bead Ruptor Elite and Omni Universal RNA Kit improve throughput of kit based extractions while increasing RNA yield. Learn more about Omni’s nucleic acid purification kits.

Successful extraction of RNA from human coronavirus using the Omni Fecal DNA Kit. More information about viral detection off swabs using the Bead Ruptor Elite in a direct-to-PCR technique can be viewed in this application note.